Posts tagged ‘body’

April 30, 2013

To The Awesome Aggregation Of The CITC Community (Marie)

Hey everyone — Thank you for helping & blessing Marie! Read her thanks/testimony below:


TO:  The awesome aggregation of the CITC community ……

When the Lord told Moses to build the temple, He gave him specific instructions.  Moses then asked Israel to bring their resources of gold, silver, bronze, linen, jewelry and so on.   The people brought their freewill offerings so the workers could start the work on the temple. The Israelite came morning  after morning bringing their offerings. The workers soon came to Moses and told him the people are bringing TOO much.   So, Moses gave an order for the people to restrain from bringing their offerings because the laborers had quite enough or I should say more than enough to build the temple.
Now, I said all that to say, Hands and Feet Ministry sent out the call for whosoever will to be a blessing to one of our family members.  CITC responded in such an abundance that the recipient, Marie Fields, is requesting you to restrain from bringing your offerings of food.  I appreciate every dish and they all taste like more…..I even have some left-overs in my freezer.
CITC, your generosity has truly baffled me…… you have gone out of your way to be a blessing to me….. you have spent of your resources, labored in your kitchens ….. took time out to visit and pray with me and much more …. if that isn’t LOVE, I don’t know what love is.
It rejoices my heart to be part of this body of believers.  I thank the Lord for each of you and I love you all so very much.
Yours in Christ …. love always ….
marie fields